73 (209) 961 73 (204) 962 73 (206)963 73 (205) 964 73 (208) 965
Due to restricted clearance on the Moorgate Lines between Kentish Town Jcn & Farringdon (route boundary) MCL'Midland City Lines' only diesel locomotives of class 31 (all sub classes),33/2 only (33/0,33/1 prohibited) and Electro Diesel locomotives of class 73 (all sub classes) are allowed on the route with the following restrictions:
15 mph maximum speed,OHLE must be isolated (but not earthed 10/2016).
Locomotives must not stand under insulators positioned directly above the track as the exhaust can damage the OverHead Line Equipment
class 73s are prohibited in DC mode (even though DC rails are Kent side of route boundary!)
"The Locomotive Route Availability must not exceed the Route Availability of the Line"
RA=Route Availability / permissible speed -(weight per axle of the locomotive) which is RA 5 for the MCL route
In 2017 further restrictions apply only class 73 allowed due to height issues 12'6"
correct to July 2024
73 (104) 951 73 211 (952) .
Track diagrams Bedford Midland to London St Pancras
(note line speed improvements on fast lines: higher line speeds not shown)
For reference only *NOT* to be used for work planning- correct to Dec 2014,
Due to restricted clearance, only certain types of locomotives are allowed on the 'core' route between Kentish Town & Blackfriars, most popular are the class 73"EDs" electro diesels working in diesel mode .
Caledonian Sleeper in Scotland also has
73 966 (73 005)
73 967 (73 006)
73 968 (73 117)
73 969 (73 105)
73 970 (73 103)
73 971 (73 207)